
The energy system of the future - 100% decarbonised

The research project ONE100 - Austria's sustainable energy system - 100% decarbonised was initiated by AGGM and other energy companies as a forward-looking impetus for a climate-neutral energy system.

The aim of the project was to develop a decarbonised energy model that is optimised from an economic and energy-economic point of view. For this purpose, the optimal energy flows in Austria for the year 2040 were calculated. The resulting energy model uses only environmentally friendly, renewable energy sources and CO2-neutral technologies.

The result of ONE100? In the future, Austria's entire energy demand can be met in a completely climate-neutral manner - permanently, affordably and with security of supply.


Energy model ONE100

A climate-neutral energy system for Austria

The optimised energy model ONE100 shows which energy sources, production, storage and application technologies, including the necessary transport infrastructure, are required to enable a climate-neutral energy system by 2040.

Diese Infografik der AGGM (Austrian Gas Grid Management AG) entstand im Rahmen der Energiewende-Studie ONE100. Dargestellt wird der berechnete Energiefluss in Österreich im Jahr 2040.
ONE100: energy flow chart Austria 2040 (only available in German)

The optimised energy model ONE100

Renewable energy

The use of regional renewable energy potentials (wind, solar, geothermal, wet and solid biomass) leads to a 100% decarbonised energy supply. Electricity from renewable sources and renewable gases are the main energy sources.

Efficient technologies

The ONE100 energy system requires no fossil fuels and almost no imports. The high use of ambient heat and industrial waste heat increases the overall energy efficiency.

Efficient infrastructure

An efficient gas grid and gas storage infrastructure for renewable gases (methane and hydrogen) transports the decentrally produced renewable gases to consumers and gas storage facilities.

Complete sector coupling

The interaction of all technologies and resources ensures a strong energy system that can respond well to seasonal fluctuations. Electricity surpluses are transformed into new energy through power-to-heat and power-to-gas, for example.

Costs unchanged

The calculated costs of the ONE100 energy system amount to about €37 billion/a, or about 8% of the GDP forecast by Wifo for 2040. This is comparable to today's GDP share of 9% in the energy system.

A 100% decarbonised, affordable and secure energy system for Austria is feasible!


Acting today for the energy system of tomorrow

Enormous investments and the promotion of innovative technologies are necessary for the energy system transformation to succeed.

An investment-friendly environment and incentives for all energy sources and technologies that can contribute to the decarbonisation of the energy system must be created.

The regulatory framework must be clear and sufficiently flexible so that a high-performance transport infrastructure can integrate renewables into the energy system and enable sector coupling.

Research and development of innovative and energy-efficient technologies must be intensified.

Head of Department System Access & Capacities

DI Helmut Wernhart Teamleiter Infrastrukturentwicklung AGGM
DI Helmut Wernhart

Head of Department System Access & Capacities

Key data

How & when was ONE100 carried out?

November 2019 – August 2021

Presentation of results: Austrian Gas Infrastructure Day 2021


  • Completely new start on a green field.
  • The existing energy infrastructure is not taken into account.
  • This facilitates the development of a completely new system.
  • Regionalised useful energy demand for all sectors (households, commerce, industry, agriculture and mobility)
  • Realistic assessment of the potential for renewable energy production in Austria
  • Costs and efficiencies for more than 150 technology options (energy production, conversion, storage, transport and consumption)
  • Raw material and import prices for renewable energy sources
  • Production and demand of a representative climate year

In an integrated model, all facets of the energy system are optimised simultaneously.

  • Energy source use and end-use technologies are not subject to the constraints of current practice.
  • Innovation and the expansion of new technologies are thus promoted.
  • Regional capacities for production, conversion, storage and consumption as well as for distribution and transport networks for electricity, gas and district heating
    Economic costs of the new decarbonised system

Project participants

The ONE100 study was prepared by Wagner & Elbling GmbH on behalf of:

  • AGGM Austrian Gas Grid Management AG
  • Austrian Power Grid AG
  • Energienetze Steiermark GmbH
  • Gas Connect Austria GmbH
  • Netz Burgenland GmbH
  • Netz Niederösterreich GmbH
  • Netz Oberösterreich GmbH
  • Salzburg Netz GmbH
  • TIGAS Erdgas Tirol GmbH
  • Trans Austria Gasleitung GmbH
  • Vorarlberger Energienetze GmbH
  • Wiener Netze GmbH